Ha! Well, I'd like to think I'd have more time to write and talk about all the wonderful things these boys are doing these days...but I guess I won't. We are tired, but they are wonderful, precious, growing, fiesty, passionate, clever, tantrum throwing, all smiles, loving little boys and we are blessed.
I wanted to share their 4 mo photo session for those that wanted to see them :) Our photographer is the wonderful Stephanie Pruett and she always does so good!!
Go to www.stephaniepruett.com click on client proofs, and Pinson/Twins for password.
Enjoy! ANd Merry Christmas :)
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
On the Road again....

The boys are officially 3 weeks old (8/12/11) and will be 36 weeks tomorrow (Sunday). They have changed so much over the past three weeks! And have made incredible strides. At 34 weeks they began to take bottles once a day, then up to twice, etc, and are now taking full bottles at every feeding, and their feeding tubes have been removed! They both moved to open cribs toward the end of their 34th week, beginning of the 35th and are doing very well at holding their temperatures. Preemies battle 'spells' where they forget to breathe or keep their heart beating when they're doing other things such as eating (normal) or sleeping (not so normal). Both have had these spells, but thankfully, neither have had large numbers of them. These 'spells' are something they grow out of as they get bigger.
As James and I went to visit them today, we got the GREAT news that we were within a couple of days of bringing them home! By the end of our time there today, Joe had been released to 'room in' with us tomorrow night, with him continuing to hold steady overnight tonight! So, if I call tomorrow and he's still doing great, we spend the night with him in a room with us, and the nurses are just available if we need them - essentially a trial run :) . SO exciting! The doctor said today as well that if Miles continues to do well, with no spells, we get to bring him home on Wednesday!! It's just so humbling to watch it all work, and know that we have been entrusted to take care of these two precious boys, and humbling to know that He thinks we can do it! Ahh! What an amazing story God has given them to use for His glory already in their life. He has completely given them health and strength, and He gets the glory for it. I am just humbled, no other words to express it. Although we're still going to be taking it one day at a time because of the overwhelming nature of it all, we trust that we will have the love, patience, support for each other, sense of calm, and ability to handle each cry, bottle refusal, and diaper change with a smile of our face and thankfulness in our heart that they were born so beautiful and perfect 7 weeks early. What a blessing that we had no control over. Pics to come of their car ride home!!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
"For these boys I prayed; and the Lord has given me my petition which I have asked of Him." I Samuel 1:27
Joseph Blane and Miles Warner arrived in this world Friday morning at 10:27 and 10:29, weighing in at 4lb even and 3lb 13oz! James and I are two proud (tired!) parents!! (although I'm not sure it has sunk in yet!) They are absolutely beautiful, and doing incredibley well. Baby J came into the world screaming, with both legs straight out, and Miles made a less boisterous entrance with a few kitten-esque wimpers. I wanted to kinda give an update into their conditions into the NICU more than anything with this post because James and I are doing fine...Im recovering slowly, but moving great, and they are talking about discharging me on Tuesday--although I'm not sure I remember what freedom looks like at this point! So....
When born, Joseph had a little trouble breathing and so was immediately hooked up to a C-Pap (breather over the nose) which he got to move down from on Saturday morning. Joseph and Miles both are wearing the cannela (breathing tubes in their noses) with light oxygen input, meaning that their little lungs are doing great at supporting their bodies on their own. Saturday they were both eating every 6 hours through their eating tube, but today (Sunday) they got moved up to every 3 hours because they were holding the food so well. They get to try eating from bottles by next weekend, when they will have hopfully mastered the swallowing technique :) They also went off antibiotics today, and their oxygen level was again lowered showing their improved lung health! Praises!!
However, we have run into a few trouble spots as well. When we went up to see the boys this morning, we met with their Neonatal Dr to find out that Joseph is anmemic. This stems from me being a negative blood type and the boys both being positive. Essentially, a shot during pregnancy was supposed to help their bodies to build antibodies to fight this off...the only thing the Dr can say is that Joseph might have bled into the placenta in the womb therefore missing his opportunity to form the antibodies to fight the anmemia. Miles however, is fine. For Joseph, this means an increased risk of blood transfusions because his body cannot replenish his blood as quickly. That's also why he is slightly a lighter skin color because he has less blood in his little body. Miles also encountered a slight hiccup today...he had a 'spell' when he was eating. This is what they call it when they actually 'forget' to breathe when they are eating. Essentially his brain was focusing so hard on eating that it forgot to tell the lungs to move and breathe. He did recover himself quickly without the help of the nurses though, which is a great sign. It's a little overwhleming to watch all this unfold...but still so incredible to hear the Drs be so positive about it all. God is in control. He knew when they would be born, and the things they would fight along the way to going home, so all we can do is to continue to pray for these things specifically at the moment.
But their personalities continue to be translated from womb to world...Miles being the ever rambunctious lil man when being monitored in the hospital, continues to heap havoc on the NICU nurses constantly pulling out his tubes and pulling off the heart rate/temperature stickers! He can follow your voice so well with his eyes, as he stays so alert. Joseph is a laid back guy, stretching with arms and legs out, propped up on the blankets, as well as keeping his seemingly constant hiccups, too. We keep getting asked who they look like right now, and we honestly can't tell just yet because of all the tubes. :)
We should be able to hold them within the week, once they get their central line out of their belly buttons. We also get to bring little clothes for them to wear too, once they reach over 1900 grams! Woo! As far as take home time goes, it could be anywhere from 2 weeks to a month, so we are prayerful for the shortest time to healthy baby boys.
Thanks to each and every one of you for your prayers, love, support, texts, calls, messages, etc...and if we didn't get back to you, know that your words still reached us and meant the world to us, and essentially have got us through this crazy beautiful weekend! God has been so faithful and He has heard all of our prayers. He will continue to use them to bring Him glory!
We'll keep everyone updated as we can, and much, much , MUCH love to each of you! Joseph and Miles can't wait to meet you!
Joseph :)
Joseph Blane and Miles Warner arrived in this world Friday morning at 10:27 and 10:29, weighing in at 4lb even and 3lb 13oz! James and I are two proud (tired!) parents!! (although I'm not sure it has sunk in yet!) They are absolutely beautiful, and doing incredibley well. Baby J came into the world screaming, with both legs straight out, and Miles made a less boisterous entrance with a few kitten-esque wimpers. I wanted to kinda give an update into their conditions into the NICU more than anything with this post because James and I are doing fine...Im recovering slowly, but moving great, and they are talking about discharging me on Tuesday--although I'm not sure I remember what freedom looks like at this point! So....
When born, Joseph had a little trouble breathing and so was immediately hooked up to a C-Pap (breather over the nose) which he got to move down from on Saturday morning. Joseph and Miles both are wearing the cannela (breathing tubes in their noses) with light oxygen input, meaning that their little lungs are doing great at supporting their bodies on their own. Saturday they were both eating every 6 hours through their eating tube, but today (Sunday) they got moved up to every 3 hours because they were holding the food so well. They get to try eating from bottles by next weekend, when they will have hopfully mastered the swallowing technique :) They also went off antibiotics today, and their oxygen level was again lowered showing their improved lung health! Praises!!
However, we have run into a few trouble spots as well. When we went up to see the boys this morning, we met with their Neonatal Dr to find out that Joseph is anmemic. This stems from me being a negative blood type and the boys both being positive. Essentially, a shot during pregnancy was supposed to help their bodies to build antibodies to fight this off...the only thing the Dr can say is that Joseph might have bled into the placenta in the womb therefore missing his opportunity to form the antibodies to fight the anmemia. Miles however, is fine. For Joseph, this means an increased risk of blood transfusions because his body cannot replenish his blood as quickly. That's also why he is slightly a lighter skin color because he has less blood in his little body. Miles also encountered a slight hiccup today...he had a 'spell' when he was eating. This is what they call it when they actually 'forget' to breathe when they are eating. Essentially his brain was focusing so hard on eating that it forgot to tell the lungs to move and breathe. He did recover himself quickly without the help of the nurses though, which is a great sign. It's a little overwhleming to watch all this unfold...but still so incredible to hear the Drs be so positive about it all. God is in control. He knew when they would be born, and the things they would fight along the way to going home, so all we can do is to continue to pray for these things specifically at the moment.
But their personalities continue to be translated from womb to world...Miles being the ever rambunctious lil man when being monitored in the hospital, continues to heap havoc on the NICU nurses constantly pulling out his tubes and pulling off the heart rate/temperature stickers! He can follow your voice so well with his eyes, as he stays so alert. Joseph is a laid back guy, stretching with arms and legs out, propped up on the blankets, as well as keeping his seemingly constant hiccups, too. We keep getting asked who they look like right now, and we honestly can't tell just yet because of all the tubes. :)
We should be able to hold them within the week, once they get their central line out of their belly buttons. We also get to bring little clothes for them to wear too, once they reach over 1900 grams! Woo! As far as take home time goes, it could be anywhere from 2 weeks to a month, so we are prayerful for the shortest time to healthy baby boys.
Thanks to each and every one of you for your prayers, love, support, texts, calls, messages, etc...and if we didn't get back to you, know that your words still reached us and meant the world to us, and essentially have got us through this crazy beautiful weekend! God has been so faithful and He has heard all of our prayers. He will continue to use them to bring Him glory!
We'll keep everyone updated as we can, and much, much , MUCH love to each of you! Joseph and Miles can't wait to meet you!
Joseph :)
Miles :)
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